Troubleshooting Flow Chart
for better sleep naturally
Are you tired all the time
because you have trouble falling asleep?
because you have trouble staying asleep?
because you have trouble getting back to sleep?
because even though you think you slept well,
you get up in the morning feeling like you haven't
slept a wink or within a couple hours you are dragging?

Subjective Insomnia
"I didn't sleep a wink all night." "I saw every hour pass on the clock." In reality, the majority of people who make these statements actually do sleep. It may not be deep, restorative sleep, but it is sleep.
Sleep comes in stages. Some of those stages are light sleep, some are deep. In light sleep, you will often be unaware of the fact that you are actually asleep and in one of the deep sleep stages known as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep or dream sleep, you may dream that you are awake. If you think you didn't sleep, you may think you have a sleeping problem such as insomnia. This may in turn cause you to worry about not getting enough sleep. If you worry long enough, you may fulfill that self-fulfilling prophecy.

You answered "No" to all the scenarios above copyright 2003-2009
Respiratory Repository, LLC
All rights reserved
If you find yourself tired all the time, and want to learn how
to get better sleep naturally, try: